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Why I Might Not Be The Right Coach For You

Everyone has a story. Everyone. You are no different than the hundreds of people surrounding you at any given time in a five mile radius. The toxic operating system (TOS) would have us believe we are all alone in our misery and cheated childhoods, but it isn't true. Everyone has something they have survived. Everyone has something that challenged them beyond their preconceived limitations.

Some people have even found their way to a place beyond surviving and truly have overcome their challenges.

But not all of those people can coach others to do the same.

Just because someone has found a way through or out of their pain doesn't mean they understand how to walk others through theirs. Each individual has the capacity to find their own way through their own struggle and challenges. It is part of our genetic make-up. The problem is that our TOS would have us believe we can't go any further than we have.

This is where a coach comes in handy. Notice I said 'handy', not 'necessary'.

A coach however, is not simply someone who has made their own journey through the darkness. A coach is ALSO someone who has an established knowledge of how the human being processes and has made a practice of enabling clients to disable their TOS - IN THEIR VERY OWN SPECIFIC INDIVIDUALIZED WAY, not a pre-packaged formula.

I AM THAT coach, lately I prefer to think of myself as an Intuitive Spiritual Midwife, but everyone looks at me funny when I say that.

I will not help you, so if that's what you are looking for then I might not be the coach for you. When someone says they can 'help' you, it sets up a power dynamic. It immediately puts the 'helper' in a power position over the one who needs help. It implies powerlessness. I don't see you as powerless. I see you as needing guidance which is a very very different thing altogether.

If you are trapped in a hole with no way out and I come rescue you with a ladder, I have helped you. You couldn't do it on your own. You needed my help. I am up out of the hole and standing on the edge looking down on you. You climb up my ladder and you are grateful that I helped you. When we leave I take my ladder with me. If you fall in the hole again, you'll need my help to get out again.

BUT if you are trapped in a hole and I know there is a way out for you, and I come to guide you, I am not helping you. I won't put down a ladder. I walk you through the steps to find your own way out. I am up on the edge, coaching you, guiding you, encouraging you, keeping you calm. When you are able to climb out on your own you feel empowered. You are filled with pride and confidence. You might be grateful for my presence with you, but you know you did the work yourself. When we leave you have the same knowledge I have. If you happen to fall in the hole again, you will not need my help to get out of it. However, if you want my presence to just BE with you again, I'm happy to.

There are so many coaches out now. So many good hearted people who overcame really insurmountable odds themselves. I commend them. I do not necessarily think that alone qualifies them to be coaches, however...certifications or not.

If you are looking for a life coach, or better yet believe you want an Intuitive Spiritual Midwife, then find me on facebook at The Sentient Soul (page and/or group) or just shoot me an email at

In the meantime, BE AmaZING!!!!

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